“Tis the season” to get informed and vote in the primary election on August 2, 2022. Mail-in ballots started arriving on Friday, July 15th, and accompanying voter pamphlets are available to assist voters. We encourage voters to visit the helpful “one-stop” virtual voting tools provided by King County elections officials.
REMINDER. Ballots MUST BE postmarked or dropped in a ballot drop box by Tuesday, Aug. 2. The two candidates with the most votes will move on to November’s general election on Tuesday, November 8th.
This is an important election cycle with several key races, including a U.S. Senate seat, Washington’s Secretary of State, and all 10 Congressional House seats.
One of the more important races in 2022 is the open House of Representatives seat in the 36th District, which includes Magnolia and areas of Queen Anne, Ballard, Fremont, and downtown Seattle. Current State Rep. Noel Frame, D-Seattle, announced in late January that she would run for the state Senate seat being vacated by state Sen. Reuven Carlyle, the district’s long-serving Senator, who chose not to run for re-election. This leaves Frame’s House seat open. Five candidates have announced their campaigns in a quest to serve the people of the 36th Legislative District.
Below is a quick rundown of the candidates for the open 36th District seat in the State House of Representatives and their campaign websites. You can also find more information in your 2022 voter’s pamphlet. Online tools include a great resource from the Washington State Secretary of State’s elections office.
Primary Candidates for the 36th District State House Seat
Tyler Crone – https://www.electtylercrone.com/
Tyler Crone is an attorney who has advised government agencies on global health issues. Most recently, she was co-founder and coordinating director of the ATHENA Network, an organization focused on advocating for women’s rights in the worldwide response to HIV. Crone, who announced her candidacy in March, is running as a Democrat. In addition to a law degree, she holds a master’s degree in public health.
Nicole Gomez – https://www.electnicole.com/
Gomez is the co-founder and board secretary of the Alliance for a Healthy Washington. She has lobbied for universal health care at the state Legislature and advocated for other state policies to help make health care more affordable. Gomez previously handled workers’ compensation claims and worked as a crime victims advocate. She is a past chair of the 36th Legislative District Democrats.
Jeff Manson – https://www.votejeffmanson.com/
Manson is an administrative law judge who resolves individuals’ disputes with state agencies. As an attorney, he represented low-income clients who were appealing state agency decisions to terminate their benefits. He has lobbied the Legislature to let administrative law judges form a union. He serves on the executive board of the 36th Legislative District Democrats.
Julia Reed – https://www.votejuliareed.com/
Reed, a Democrat, announced her candidacy for Frame’s seat in February. Reed was a senior policy adviser to former Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and the City of Seattle’s regional affairs director. Before working for the city, she had positions in the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Office of Management and Budget during the Obama administration. She chairs the 36th District Democrats and currently works for a consulting firm that helps businesses with workforce development and diversity.
In a somewhat unusual occurrence for a local race, Reed has been endorsed by both the Seattle Times and The Stranger.
Waylon Robert – https://electwaylonrobert.com/about/
Robert has lobbied in Olympia to encourage the legislature to provide more money for libraries in cash-strapped counties. He has been a fundraising coordinator for the City of Hoquiam, as well as for Supreme Court Justice Steven Gonzalez, U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer, and King County Councilmember Larry Gossett.