An event every month that begins at 9:30 am on day Second of the month, repeating indefinitely
Our member businesses know the value of networking. Starting on March 10th, we are bringing back the opportunities for professional development activities. Join us for our virtual networking event, Meet Up Magnolia, on March 10th, and then join us on the 2nd Thursday of every month throughout 2022.
How does this virtual networking work? You simply email Jason: The day of the event participants will log into the Zoom meeting and will be paired into one-on-one chats for five to six minutes each. We will repeat the process for approximately four or five rounds. You even have the option to follow up after the meeting and send a message to one or more of the people you meet to keep the dialogue going.
So many people to meet, so many professional relationships to build. Sign up NOW and let the networking begin!