Swedish Pancake Breakfast

Magnolia Lutheran Church 2414 31st Ave W, Seattle, WA, United States

This annual tradition is sponsored by the Magnolia Lutheran Church. All proceeds benefit the Lutheran Community Services & ALS Association Evergreen Chapter. Real "Old Country" Swedish Pancakes with ligonberries, toppings, ham, fruit, juice, coffee and tea. Suggested freewill offering of $10 for adults and $5 for children (under 12).

Salmon BBQ and Potluck

Magnolia Lutheran Church 2414 31st Ave W, Seattle, WA, United States

Mark your calendars: next Tuesday, August 13, 2024, you are invited to a salmon barbecue and potluck at Magnolia Lutheran Church, starting at 5 pm. The church provides salmon, brats, plates, napkins, and flatware; please bring a dish to share, either a side dish or dessert. Kids welcome! No need to be a member of […]