The Seattle Foundation Announces The Plate Fund to Support Hard Hit Restaurant Workers
The Seattle Foundation has established The Plate Fund to support hard hit restaurant workers. Social distancing restrictions of the state’s COVID-19 response has severely impacted our Magnolia restaurants. The Plate Fund provides immediate $500 grants to restaurant workers to keep them on their feet until they are back to work and more relief comes in through the various federal relief programs. Eligibility requirements include:
You are a restaurant and/or food service worker broadly defined. This includes bus-ers, barbacks, bartenders, servers, food truck employees, cafe attendants, and more positions as enumerated on the website.
You earn $62,000 or less a year.
You can demonstrate loss of hours or a lay off as a result of COVID-19.
The grant is without lots of extra requirements or limitations; the $500 can be used to cover any expenses. Restaurant workers can apply for the immediate relief at this link.
To learn more, read the following April 6th Seattle Times article.
For those who can, please support hard hit restaurant workers who urgently need support. Please use this link to donate today.