Auto Services
Services are the hallmark of Magnolia. Auto repair, computer diagnostics, addressing concerns about alignment, brakes, batteries, engine lights and more are available locally to ensure your vehicle assets are protected, function well, and look great.
Auto services and Magnolia go together to solve your automotive challenges, seize opportunities to keep your vehicle running and looking great, and meet your automobile vehicle needs.
Dobson Stuttgart
At Dobson Stuttgart, our main focus is service and repair of your Porsche, and pre-owned vehicle sales. We have over 75 years of combined technical experience.
We believe educating Porsche owners on how to properly maintain their vehicles is our responsibility and result in many years of enjoyable ownership.
Werner’s Crash Shop
Haury’s Collision
Choose Haury’s Collision & Vintage.
The right choice. We will fight for you, and your family’s safety when repairing your car.