January 22, 2024. On Wednesday, January 17th, Seattle Department of Transportation representatives joined Magnolia Chamber members and guests to learn more about the Ballard Bridge & 15th Ave. NW & W Safety and Paving Project (the project). The project is slated to begin once final contractors are selected.
We thank SDOT’s Jules Posadas for his responsiveness and organizing the meeting held at the Episcopal Church of the Ascension, who graciously opened their meeting hall for the information-sharing session. We also thank SDOT’s Marilyn Yim, Nyles Green, and Neftalie Gonzales for attending the meeting and providing information and support.
For those seeking detailed minutes from the meeting, please click here. Many thanks to Chamber board member Melanie Audette for taking thorough and informative meeting notes.
Other key documents and tips for staying informed and engaged:
- Project webpage 15th Ave W/NW & Ballard Bridge Paving & Safety Project – Transportation | seattle.gov
- Project listserv sign-up link City of Seattle, Washington (govdelivery.com)
- To receive information, enter your email address, hit submit, select “15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving Project”, and hit submit again.
- If signed up, you will receive project updates that include traffic impacts, detours, and anticipated construction work.
- PowerPoint presentation from January 17th meeting