Revised Draft Comprehensive Plan proposes changes to the Magnolia neighborhood zoning plans

October 18, 2024. On Wednesday, October 16th, Mayor Bruce Harrell released new details of the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update and proposed zoning maps. Though the first draft of the One Seattle Comprehensive Plan Update, released in March 2024, offered little change to the growth patterns of Magnolia and the peninsula, the latest draft proposes significant changes that would affect Magnolia Village and the surrounding neighborhood as well as the surrounding neighborhoods in north Magnolia along 34th Ave. W from W. Barrett to Government Way.

Mayor Bruce Harrell’s latest iteration of his growth strategy and zoning plans proposes more housing supply for all affordability levels across Seattle and in every neighborhood, including Magnolia. The significantly changed proposal from March purports to meet future growth demands while improving affordability for all. The proposal seeks to reduce the areas designated for single-family homes while increasing multi-dwelling housing and affordable units within multi-storied buildings.

For Magnolia, the newest plan would add new zoning for multi-dwelling, multi-story buildings around Magnolia Village, thereby upzoning many streets to allow for higher-density housing. These residential streets are currently zoned for single-family homes, many 50 to 100 years old, with a distinct residential flavor. In addition, the same upzoning is proposed along several streets north Magnolia from W. Barrett St. and several blocks east and west along 34th Ave. W. to Government Way. The proposed upzoning would affect blocks of single-family residential lots and allow for the building of multi-story, multi-person dwellings. The plan also allows for multi-homes to be placed on currently single home lots throughout the neighborhood.

The Magnolia Chamber plans to learn more about the proposal, seek input from our members, and collaborate with other community groups to address the proposal. We strongly urge our members to review the newly released plan and share your thought both with the Chamber and most importantly, the city using their various forums and tools for commenting.

For more information, here are some articles and sites: