The U.S. House of Representatives Democratic Caucus has created a helpful compilation – or toolkit – of the benefits found within the three specific, and unprecedented pieces of legislation passed since the COVID-19 outbreak has gripped the nation and stalled the economy:
The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act
The Families First Coronavirus Response Act
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
Combined, the new laws provide economic stimulus and immediate financial lifelines for families. They also establish new benefits and provisions for workers, and importantly, create new tools for small businesses to meet payroll and other expenses. Elements provide relief for students and schools.
The toolkit not only helps in understanding the new benefits that are available to individuals, communities, and the small business sector, but links to access the benefits.
The Families First Coronavirus Constituent Service Resource Toolkit will help you understand all the benefits that are available to you and your community — and how to access them.