Prep for Additional Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) funding

During this interim time between PPP appropriations – the U.S. House is expected to vote today, April 23rd following the U.S. Senate’s vote – small businesses can continue to work with their lenders on possible future PPP options.

The best way to find a PPP lender is to start with your existing bank or lending institution. If they don’t plan to offer PPP loans should more funding become available, businesses can search online for eligible PPP lenders or contact their local SBA district office.

Three things you can do today include:

Explore other funding options

Since funding continues to be a top need for small businesses, traditional SBA lending programs – ranging from $500 to $5.5 million – are still an option for small business. Plus, the SBA is automatically paying the principal, interest, and fees of current 7(a), 504, and microloans for a period of six months; and, on new loans issued prior to September 27, 2020. The SBA also offers Express Bridge Loans which enable small businesses who currently have a business relationship with an SBA Express Lender to access up to $25,000 quickly.

Create a business plan for now and life after COVID-19

The SBA Resource Partner Network – which includes Small Business Development Centers, SCORE Mentors and Women’s Business Centers – has experienced business advisers who are guiding businesses through this crisis and helping them plan what their business will look like on the other side of this outbreak. SBA Resource Partners provide business resiliency readiness webinars and virtual one-on-one advising at no-cost to small businesses.

Connect with local, state and federal resources

Government at all levels are doing all they can to support small businesses during this difficult time. Visit your local city, county or borough’s website for resources along with the Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Alaska state government websites. Also look into additional federal resources for small businesses, like tax relief from the IRS, scam alerts from the FTC, and USDA funding relief for agriculture businesses.

Pending Vote: Fourth COVID-19 Relief Package – Focus on Small Business

U.S Congress to Vote 4/21 – 4/23
Fourth COVID-19 Relief Package – Focus on Small Business


Congress has reportedly reached an agreement on the fourth stimulus and relief package to assist Americans impacted by the COVID-19 response measures. Votes on the new package are expected as early as this afternoon, April 21st in the Senate and Thursday, April 23rd in the House of Representatives.
The vote will appropriate nearly $500 billion and become the fourth COVID-19 virus-related bill rushed through Congress in just two months.
The new package would amount to roughly $470 billion in new spending, with $370 billion directed to small businesses, $75 billion going to hospitals, and $25 billion set aside for testing, which has been deemed critical to getting the U.S. back open for business. Specific to small businesses, the new measure reportedly devotes an additional $310 billion to the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) created by last month’s Cares Act that was initially funded $349 billion. It has since run out of funds.
There are several workshops that are being held later this week and based on the anticipation of relief appropriations, could be of interest to our Chamber members. Please click below to access additional information and registration instructions:

Magnolia Chamber Workshop: Crime Prevention

Zoom Workshop April 23rd, 1:00 pm

Crime Fighting Facts, Tips, and Building Relationships during COVID-19 Response

Join the Magnolia Chamber of Commerce and Seattle Police Department West Precinct’s Barb Biondo, Crime Prevention Coordinator for the Magnolia neighborhood on Thursday, April 23rd, at 1:00 pm for a special workshop focused on reducing property crime and increasing public safety. The meeting will be held via Zoom. 

Please register here.
The workshop provides an opportunity to learn the facts related to burglaries, particularly over the last five weeks since the COVID-19 response of “stay home, stay healthy” have closed down small businesses and significantly changed operating hours. With less foot traffic and customer base across Magnolia’s various business districts, concerns have spiked that businesses are at greater risk for property crimes. A few Magnolia businesses have been victims of burglary since early March.
The workshop will focus on how the West precinct is actively working to ensure burglaries are addressed by law enforcement, and how directed patrols are emphasized in problem areas. In addition, you will learn what techniques and protection measures are most effective in deterring burglaries. Finally, the workshop is aimed at bringing Magnolia together with local law enforcement to build shared awareness and enhance relationships essential to effective community policing, particularly during this unique period of time. The value added benefits include learning how best to protect your business and collaborate with law enforcement post-COVID-19!
Please provide your questions in advance.

Send your questions to:

4/23 3p: U.S. Rep. Pramila Jayapal CARES Act Workshop

Magnolia Chamber of Commerce 4/20

Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal CARES Act Workshop, Thursday, April 23, 2020 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

Pre-Register for Zoom meeting.

(You will submit your name and email address at this link along with any questions or comments.  Once you register, you will receive an email with a link to join by device as well as phone numbers if you prefer to join by phone.)

U.S. Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal, who represents Magnolia and the 7th Congressional district, reports that she has received many constituent calls about existing CARES Act relief programs.  During the workshop this coming Thursday, the Congresswoman will take your feedback and answer your questions about these programs, and what to anticipate in the next phase in the economic relief effort should look like. 

Congress is expected to vote as early as this coming Wednesday, April 22nd,  to infuse an additional $300 billion into the Paycheck Protection Program. She will discuss her specific proposal for a Paycheck Guarantee Act that proposes the most direct and streamlined relief to small businesses and the workers they employ. Learn more during the briefing; it is anticipated that the final bill voted on this week will include some of the measures offered by Congresswoman Jayapal.

Government Response to Coronavirus, COVID-19 – 4/9

Copied below. Link at:


What is the Federal Government Doing in Response to COVID-19?

Health and Safety

Travel, Immigration, and Transportation

Money and Taxes


Scams and Fraud

Benefits and Grants


Federal Building Status Updates and National Parks

Voting and Elections




International Cooperation


Federal Workforce

Here’s a list of the agencies responding to coronavirus (COVID-19).

How Are States Responding to COVID-19?

Visit your state Health Department website for the latest coronavirus information, resources, and guidance.

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Seattle City Light COVID-19 Response



At Seattle City Light we are working hard to react quickly to COVID-19 while remaining committed to the well-being, both physical and financial, of our dedicated employees and the communities we serve. We’re doing our best to navigate through this unprecendented event as each day brings new developments.

Our service is an essential need, and its reliability is a top priority. With the Emergency Declaration, and more recently Governor Inslee’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” Order, we continue adjusting the way we work to ensure employee and customer safety while we maintain critical services.

To learn more about the steps Seattle City Light has taken to keep our employees safe and our customers supported, see our Powerlines Blog.

Here are a few highlights about how we’re serving customers during this time:

Infrastructure Work

We are prioritizing essential critical infrastructure work and doing work in a way that minimizes planned service disruptions. This is in accordance with Governor Inslee’s order and with protocols in place to meet all COVID-19 guidelines from the CDC, Washington Department of Health, and OHSA.

Please be aware that due to the nature of our work maintaining the electrical system, some essential tasks require crew members to work closely together for their safety. So, if you see a few lineworkers working side by side, please know they’re doing it for good reason and are minimizing close proximity as much as they can to safely complete the job.

And please do your part by keeping a safe distance – always a good idea when it comes to working with electricity, whether we’re avoiding a virus or not!

Power Outages

We understand power outages are burdensome, but even more so now. While the stay-at-home order is in place, we won’t intentionally cut power to complete a job unless it’s an emergency, in support of COVID-19 response, or an essential service project that is coordinated in advance (e.g., establishing power for sites used as temporary shelter or field hospitals).

We’ve had pretty mild weather lately, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t on our minds. If the winds pick up and cause outages, as always, we are prepared, ready to respond and will keep working until your power is restored.

Financial Support

Many people are experiencing financial hardships due to the impact of social distancing and business closures. During the COVID-19 Emergency Declaration,  we won’t shut off service for non-payment . In fact, crisis or not, we will never call you or knock on your door and demand payment. If someone says otherwise, they are running a scam;  report it online.

We’re here to help any customer, resident or business, struggling to pay their utility bill due to COVID-19. Call 206-684-3000 or send an email 24/7. Income-eligible residential customers can also sign up for the Utility Discount Program. We’ve fast-tracked a self-certified application to make the process easier.

Payment Centers

To keep you and our employees healthy, all walk-in centers will remain closed during this time. You can still use the payment drop boxes, and we’re always here to help you with account and billing needs online or over the phone at (206) 684-3000.

City and State Resources

Finally, Mayor Durkan and Governor Inslee have expanded and created many programs to support our community. If you or someone you know needs shelter, food or other help, please check their resource pages.

I will update our customers as things change. You are always my number one priority, and that remains especially true during this time. Please continue to support one another and stay healthy.

Take Care.

Debra Smith
General Manager and CEO, Seattle City Light

700 Fifth Avenue, P.O. Box 34023
Seattle, WA 98124-4023

CARES ACT and Small Business – all the details you need, in a nutshell

Small businesses, including those eligible in Magnolia, received a $370 billion lifeline in the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid bill approved Friday by the U.S. House of Representatives, and signed into law by President Donald Trump. The largest stimulus in U.S. history, the bill includes relief for taxpayers, the unemployed, and large corporations as well as small businesses.

For an excellent synopsis and for printing and available as a working resource, click here.

We strongly urge all small businesses who are interested in learning more and taking advantage of this unprecedented stimulus and relief package to work with your bank to explore how to best proceed.

Loans Under Paycheck Protection Program (Section 1102)

Section 1102 of the CARES Act provides $350 billion for expedited individual loans up to $10 million through approved lenders that are guaranteed 100 percent by the U.S. government. 

The loan proceeds can be used to:

  • Cover payroll support, such as employee salaries, paid sick or medical leave, insurance premiums, and mortgage, rent, and utility payments incurred from February 15, 2020, through June 30, 2020.

  • The maximum amount of a loan equals 2.5 months of regular payroll expenses (subject to a cap of a $100,000 of annual salary per employee).  

Benefits for Borrowers:

Borrowers are eligible for loan forgiveness equal to the amount spent by the borrower during an eight week period after the origination date of the loan on payroll costs, interest payment on any mortgage incurred prior to February 15, 2020, payment of rent on any lease in force prior to February 15, 2020, and payment on any utility for which service began before February 15, 2020. 

Borrower and lender fees are waived. 

Collateral and personal guarantee requirements are waived.  The maximum interest rate is four percent and loan maturity can be as long as 10 years. 

No prepayment fees will be charged.  Loan payments can be deferred for 6-12 months.

Benefits for Lenders:  Allows loans to be sold on the secondary market.  Provides the regulatory capital risk weight of loans made under this program, and temporary relief from troubled debt restructuring (TDR) disclosures for loans that are deferred under this program. Lender compensation for servicing the loan is five percent for loans of not more than $350,000; three percent for loans of more than $350,000 and less than $2,000,000; and one percent for loans of not less than $2,000,000.

Eligible businesses include:

  • Businesses with fewer than 500 employees.

  • Small businesses as defined by the Small Business Administration (SBA) Size Standards at 13 C.F.R. 121.201.

  • 501(c)(3) nonprofits, 501(c)(19) veteran’s organization, and Tribal business concern described in section 31(b)(2)(C) of the Small Business Act with not more than 500 employees.

  • Hotels, motels, restaurants, and franchises with fewer than 500 employees at each physical location without regard to affiliation under 13 C.F.R. 121.103.

  • Businesses that receive financial assistance from Small Business Investment Act Companies licensed under the Small Business Investment Act of 1958 without regard to affiliation under 13 C.F.R. 121.10.

  • Sole proprietors and independent contractors.

Application Process:

Current lenders through the Small Business Administration 7(a) are authorized to make determinations on borrower eligibility and creditworthiness without going through the SBA.  These lenders can be found here. For eligibility purposes, lenders will not be determining eligibility based on repayment ability, but rather whether the business was operational on February 15, 2020, and had employees for whom it paid salaries and payroll taxes, or a paid independent contractor.


The SBA is required to issue implementing regulations within 15 days and the U.S. Department of Treasury will be approving new lenders.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans (Section 1110)

Section 1110 of the CARES Act expands the types of entities eligible to receive up to $1.5 million in direct loans from the Small Business Administration and loan guarantees for substantial economic injury caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Substantial economic injury is such that a business concern is unable to meet its obligations as they mature or to pay its ordinary and necessary operating expenses.

The loan proceeds may be used for working capital necessary to carry your concern until resumption of normal operations, expenditures necessary to alleviate the specific economic injury, providing paid sick leave to employees, maintaining payroll, meeting increased costs to obtain materials, making rent or mortgage payments and repaying obligations that cannot be met due to revenue losses.

New Eligible Entities:

  • Any business with fewer than 500 employees.

  • Tribal businesses as defined by 15 U.S.C. 657a(b)(2)(C) with fewer than 500 employees.

  • Cooperatives with fewer than 500 employees.

  • ESOPs as defined by 15 USC 632 with fewer than 500 employees.

  • Individuals operating as a sole proprietor or an independent contractor during the covered period (January 31, 2020 to December 31, 2020).

Other Eligible Entities:

  • Small businesses as defined by the Small Business Administration Size Standards at 13 C.F.R. 121.201.

  • Private non-profits with exemptions under sections 510(c), (d) or (e) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Application Process:

The loan form is found at:

CARES Act flow chart

Click image below to enlarge; click here for PDF.


Free services/product for local restaurants from Staples

Staples is here to help local restaurants by providing some free services/product (see below) and also updates our temporary hours.

Local restaurants can immediately take advantage of 250 free full-color menus from our in-store Print & Marketing department, as well as free full-color CDC health awareness posters and complementary faxing, scanning and computer workstation services. We are also offering curbside pickup to all customers for any orders from our print center and for products from our floor.


Staples| Downtown Seattle, 1312| 206-352-8644

Helpful CDC tips for Safe Shopping and Delivery. 

Please access an easy-to-understand, data-driven video on how how best to safely shop at one of Magnolia grocery stores and receiving take out from local restaurants . From the  popular YouTube, Michigan-based physician, Jeffrey VanWingen, the 13-minutes, step x step video guide includes the latest Center for Disease Control data, shares safe takeout food practices, and provides safe grocery shopping techniques and proper grocery handling in your kitchen.

King County Resources to Ease Spread of COVID-19

Housing for people who are unable to isolate and recover in their own homes
Responding to the unprecedented public health crisis, King County and the City of Seattle are working with partners across the region to create additional shelter space and a range of temporary housing options for people who are unable to isolate and recover in their own homes, or do not have a home. These actions will help slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) throughout the region and preserve critical hospital beds for the most acutely ill. 

King County COVID-19 infection by neighborhood
King County just released a COVID-19 Dashboard for Seattle residents to quickly and accurately follow the spread of COVID-19 virus in your neighborhood. Excellent resource to stay up to date on the local conditions. The dashboard will be updated daily and provides an unprecedented resource for learning more about the outbreak throughout the city, including Magnolia and surrounding neighborhoods.